Senin, 21 Maret 2011

bday ijal

tes tes
on 17 March yesterday is the birthday aldy haha, very long preparation for a surprise. There are technical errors, -
when it comes to a birthday surprise for someone is already often I do, but not for a very special like this.
hahaa but that's okay! I do just want to make him happy.
thank you so much for my friend who have helped me succeed!
Ayu Triandha,Raniah Balqis,Rein Zamrul Syam,Andrean Oktarido,Ghaly Ramadhan and Yubet Danie

so there is a picture ;)



@sherny ingat kah ini foto kita jaman susah dulu? ingat kita sering mengais sampah buat kebutuhan hidup?

ya ampun. muka saya jahaaaats pakek S yang bearti double jahat!
ini kita foto di M studio Palembang Indah Mall.
ingat sher! kita lagi BATAL PUASA hahaha makan di Solaria padahal lagi bulan puasa. ckckckckk